south dakota artist john lopez

Artist Biography Facts. The artworks official name is Walleye Up a play on the term cowboy.

John Lopez Studio

John Lopez Born 1971 is activelives in South Dakota.

. John Lopez a world-recognized artist knows and loves his hometown. John Lopez is known for Bronze and scrap iron western sculpture City of Presidents project. John Lopez ArtistSculptor living and working in South Dakota.

Then include in your. Jun 12 2014 - This Pin was discovered by Tereasa Reitz Clark. Sculpted by South Dakota artist John Lopez unveiled July 2 2018.

Ive always been impressed with people who can see something and put it to paper writers and artists alike. Enjoy the amazing vistas this area has to offer as you stroll the banks of the Grand River and Shadehill Reservoir at Hugh Glass Park 12 miles south of Lemmon. Nov 7 2018 - John Lopez - born in South Dakota - he is a sculptor of western and rodeo theme bronzes - he is known for bronze and scrap iron art pieces - worked on the sculptures of the.

Discover and save your own Pins on Pinterest. Then there are people who can take something they see and. His favorite walking path is Blacktail Trail at Shadehill Reservoir a couple of miles of easy walking on a well-marked.

Cowboy Rides a Giant Walleye.

Bio John Lopez Studio

Bio John Lopez Studio

Bio John Lopez Studio

John Lopez Studio

John Lopez Art Lemmon Sd

Scrap Into Sculpture The Art Of John Lopez Travel South Dakota

John Lopez Studio

In The Shop John Lopez Studio

Something A Little Different Amazing Scrap Sculptures Northeast Recycling Council

John Lopez Western Welded Sculptures Pipeline Post Sawyer Blog

John Lopez Studio

Scrap Into Sculpture The Art Of John Lopez Travel South Dakota

Metal Comes Alive In The Hands Of Rancher Artist John Lopez Agdaily

John Lopez Studio

Arts Artists Artwork South Dakota Artist John Lopez Creates Amazing Sculptures Using Old Farm Equipment And Other Small Unique Pieces Of Metal John Creates Massive Sculptures Of Animals 3 Facebook

John Lopez Studio

John Lopez Studio

John Lopez Studio

John Lopez Studio

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